COVID-19 Services

As our community continues to deal with the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus, all of us are confronted on a daily basis with new restrictions, mandates, and health issues that are having a dramatic and negative impact on both our personal, work and public lives. The very livelihoods of millions of Americans and small and large businesses are at stake, and it will take the efforts of us all to see our way through to the end of this unfortunate experience.

However, life must go on…and reality dictates that we have to attack the situation at every level of contact to ensure that the spread of this virus is halted, and that our work, home and public environments are safe as we move forward.Once we head back to a regular routine, employees and customers will be returning to workplaces and public areas with the fear that ‘something is still there’.

To help alleviate some of those concerns, Sasser Companies is offering a service to professionally clean and apply an approved EPA registered disinfectant (in accordance with application directions as per product label) to areas and touch points that may have been exposed to the COVID-19 Virus:

Three Levels of Response Will Be Utilized Based on Exposure and/or Contamination

  • Preventive or Precautionary Cleaning and Application of an EPA Registered
    Disinfectant in Non-Contaminated Spaces
  • Thorough Cleaning of Heavily Soiled Areas and Application of an EPA
    Registered Disinfectant in Spaces Suspected of Contamination
  • Heavy Cleaning and Application of an EPA Registered Disinfectant on All
    Surfaces and in All Areas, Including Decontamination Chambers if Needed,
    within Spaces Confirmed of Contamination

Businesses and entities with which we specialize, and for which these services are recommended, are: Municipalities; Emergency Services; Healthcare and Medical Facilities; Large Commercial Showrooms, Warehouses, Office Complexes, etc.; Churches; Fitness Centers and Gyms; Restaurants; Food Distribution Centers; any other space that has been occupied by large numbers of individuals.

Rest assured that the employees of Sasser Companies are here if needed. And while it is imperative to the health of our company, our employees and their families that we continue working as best we can during these times, the well being of our fellow citizens and our community at large are of paramount importance to us all.

Please contact us at 336-449-1144 if we can be of assistance by answering any questions you may have as we persevere through this event – whether you have any use or need of our services or not. Our goal is to provide service where we can to the communities that have supported and served us so well over the years.

Together, we can and will come out of this struggle stronger and united.